Tan Sheng Rong.

Data Science: Cryptocurrency Forecast

Getting Started Data on Cryptocurrency Historical Prices from https://www.kaggle.com/jessevent/all-crypto-currencies/ is downloaded for parsing. The goal is to create an R Shiny dashboard to analyze the top 10 cryptocurrencies, and forecast their price. There are some useless data in the dataset. We first extract the four colu... Read more

Medical Diagnosis Application

An Android Application targeting the Healthcare industry. Project Mission Statement Many civilians have limited to no medical training and acute medical emergencies can happen anywhere and at any time. Witnesses may not know what to do in such a scenario and become flustered. Our group, Teamsum(TimSum), is thus planning to develop an applic... Read more

Data Science: Consulting Report

The Problem A dataset on Purchases from an Online Retail Store, gathered over a certain duration of time, with decently large demography of customers is given. It will not be linked in this post as the dataset is over 40MB. The Store wants to perform a Market Segmentation to identify relevant clusters in its customer database. Some sort of a C... Read more

Data Science: Classification

The Problem A dataset on Purchases from an Online Retail Store, gathered over a certain duration of time, with decently large demography of customers is given. It will not be linked in this post as the dataset is over 40MB. The Store wants to perform a Market Segmentation to identify relevant clusters in its customer database. Some sort of a C... Read more

Data Science: Prediction

The Problem A dataset on Energy Efficiency of Buildings, simulated using a specific Civil Engineering design tool is given. The objective is to predict the Heating Load and Cooling Load (two response variables) of a building, given 8 of its structural attributes. There are two major tasks in this assignment. Task 1: Perform a det... Read more

Telegram Bot

The NTU Food Bot is a telegram bot that helps NTU students decide what to eat and where to eat at. Written in Python, it is able to do so by providing information in a clear and user-friendly interface. The bot provides ratings for the canteen food in NTU and food recommendations based on a user’s location, preferences and dietary requirements. ... Read more